Monday, 20 August 2012

Questions WE have for YOU to Answer

Here is a quiz we have for you guys to try out! All the answers can be found within our blog, so all you have to do is find the correct answer (or if your memory is REALLY good, the answer would probably already be in your head) and click on the "comment" button below and answer the questions! Please remember to indicate the question number before each answer! Don't worry, you do not need to answer every single question! Just try your best! However, if you DO answer every question and they are all CORRECT, we will give you a chance to make your VERY OWN BLOG POST on our blog!!! Yay!

(remember: this is based on a first-come-first-serve basis, so there is no point copying the answers of someone else who posted a comment before you. also, blog content would be examined before being posted, so no inappropriate or red-ear-slider-unrelated content is allowed)


  1. Give two ways you can determine the gender of a mature red ear slider.
  2. Describe the process of mating between two red ear sliders of opposite genders.
  3. What is one way a red ear slider may face death if not taken care of properly as an egg of hatchling?
  4. Suggest two reasons why the tank of a red ear slider should be large.
  5. Give three examples of food a red ear slider may eat.
  6. Name two places a red ear slider can be found.
  7. Give a detailed description of a red ear slider.
Good luck!:D

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