Monday, 20 August 2012

Characteristics of Red Ear Sliders Part 3

60 to 90 days after the eggs are laid, the eggs start to hatch. If sliders are hatched during the cold season, they rest in the nest until it becomes warm again.

When the egg hatches, the turtle uses a small egg tooth to tear open the shell. This egg tooth falls off about an hour after the turtle's hatching. The turtle may stay in its shell for one to two days before coming out. An egg sac is attached to its body, which is necessary for nourishment. After a few days, the sac is absorbed into the turtle's belly, leaving a split on the turtle's body. The split has to heal before allowing the turtle to swim.

Death may result if the eggs or hatchlings are not properly taken care of. An egg flipped upside down would cause the turtle to try to turn over with the egg sac, which allows air to enter the body cavity. It could also cause the egg sac to smother the embryo. Also, if the split on the turtle's body is not properly healed and water is allowed into it, the danger is fatal


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